Unshorting the cutt link and checking the full URL

Make short URL greate again

Input URL

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The main goal is to check the link safety

The tool will solve 2 tasks - you will find out where the link leads and how safe it is. A long URL can be made short using a well-known service. Short links can hide not only a safe redirect, but also the result of the work of scammers. We use Google Safe Browsing and Google Abusive Experience for security checks. The first determines how safe the URL is according to Google. The second one will show if the domain is on the blacklist services. A page preview of the final URL at the time of the last check by our service is also available. The Title, Description can show more information about the site, and where it redirects you. You will receive information about the title and a short description of the page of the decoded link.

Decrypt any short link

We will decode any short URL of most services, including: Popular services: bit.ly, cutt.ly, surl.li, tinyurl.com Regional: clck.ru, bitly.su, cutt.us, tiny.pl, Others: t.ly, dl.ink, short.io, vk cc Insert a short link into our tool, we will decode the link and provide information upon request. All you have to do is decide if you want to follow this link, then copy the full link and follow it in the browser or not.

URLs can be unsafe

Short links can hide dangerous web sites: phishing sites, resources with inappropriate content, links to download malware, etc. Do not ignore the warnings of our tool. When you navigate, pay attention to the preview, title and description page, messages from Google profile services, and the number of redirects. Often, hackers hide the final URL behind multiple redirects. If you see a warning about 5 or more redirects, this link is potentially dangerous.

Frequently Asked Questions:

A direct link leads directly to a specific domain or website page. Such links may include the exact address of the document, link settings, variables, and UTM tags. The link can be of any length.
This is a link for example surl.li/cpjxc, which is a short analogue of a link https://hyperhost.ua/uk/vps-vds#vds. This link was generated by a specialized service and provides a permanent redirection of clicks from a short link to a direct one.
Keep track of the verification metrics, in case of a suspicious message, evaluate the need to click on the link. Examine the direct link domain for imitations of well-known brand names. Check out the Title, Description tags. In any case, you assume full responsibility for following the link.
It is not necessary to follow a direct link. To check security or decrypt a short URL, paste the link into our checker. You will see where you will be redirected to, as well as how safe it is to follow the link.
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