Check domain is free or not
Check Domain Availability
Over 500 domain zones to choose from
Provide domain owner certificate
Activate WHOIS protection of client's data
Check free domains in the required category

We Can Help You Choose a Domain
Can't decide on a name or domain zone? Write to us in Chat on the website, email us at, or ask the artificial intelligence.
Check domain or other popular zone
Check to see if the domain you want is available in one of the popular domain zones or not
one of the most popular domains in the world
- can be obtained for free
- register without restrictions
- WHOIS protection
popular International commercial domain
- can be obtained for free
- register without restrictions
- WHOIS protection
popular domain for Ukrainian companies
- can be obtained for free
- register without restrictions
- WHOIS protection
One of the cheapest domain name in Ukraine
- can be obtained for free
- register without restrictions
- WHOIS protection

More than just domain registration
WHOIS protection - hide personal data from intruders and enemies
CDN - caches content on 200 servers around the world to quickly open your website from anywhere in the world
Domain certificate - A physical document confirming the fact that a domain has been registered for you with HyperHost
SSL is a security certificate that protects website users from intruders and you from browser and search engine sanctions