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For PHP & MySQL Web sites

FREE Shared Web Hosting

FREE hosted web site at PHP and MySQL

FREE hosting for Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal

FREE Tech. support 24/7

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The best free website Hosting without ad

We are ready to provide one of the shared hosting plans for free. Our clients can choose several locations for hosting sites - free hosting in Ukraine or Europe. Reliable Data Centers and high-speed SSD drives make your site fast more than ever. Free hosting, like shared web-hosting, supports up to date PHP versions, including 7 and MySQL databases. We provide FTP access to our clients. You can host a small website or big projects using the latest technologies like Python, Django, Ruby on Rails and etc.

FREE web-hosting with PHP, MySQL, mail and ftp Access

Сannonball benefit Icon that heads the block with benefits
FTP and SSH access
Get FTP access after registration and SSH access after request to technical support
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Free SSL Let's Encrypt
Every site added to our servers gets free SSL support - Lets Encrypt security certificate
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24/7 technical support
We answer any customer questions in a chat, in a ticket and by phone 24/7, without days off and holidays
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High-speed SSD drives
Fast SSD drives and placement of sites in geographically advantageous locations will make your site even faster

Free web-hosting for HTML sites, blogs or forums at
Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal

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Free web hosting from hyperHost

You can place different websites on our server, like blogs, forums. Free web hosting can be used for landing, one-page sites, online stores, educational sites (universities, schools, and kindergartens), government agencies and structures (city and village councils), charitable organizations. The service can be used to place sites without ads on high-quality and fast free hosting in Ukraine. Our servers are optimized for all popular CMS systems Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and many others. Also, the CMS are pre-installed in control panel, which makes quick and easy integration.

Free hosting for a blog on any CMS

Free hosting for forums, for blogs on Wordpress, with support PHP and MYSQL provide features and quality that paid services. You won't feel the difference using the free web hosting for your site. After ordering the service, you will receive free domain and hosting, no need separately register a domain for a future site.

Each client of free hosting is provided with access to a free FTP server hosting, where you can upload files and documents for the site. Best free hosting and domain easy to manage. The user is not must have advanced knowledge of server management. To use free hosting you only need to know basic principles of working with the control panel.

Frequently Asked Questions

See answers to the most frequently asked questions about our services

After choosing a hosting plan, you will visit a page with the conditions for receiving free hosting.

We provide free web hosting for sites on important topics, non-profit organizations, charitable foundations. We are ready to support interesting, long-term projects. If your project does not match the rules of free hosting, we offer to buy hosting with a discount.

It is quite possible to receive free hosting and domain in Ukraine. Domain zone PP.UA provides free names, and we are ready to provide free disk space for your site. If your site belongs to a non-profit organization, a startup, or we are interested in its subject, we are ready to consider your website for free hosting on our servers in Kyiv.

If your project match with our rules, we will provide free hosting for your site without advertising, additional payments, and other unspecified conditions.

Yes, we will provide a paid hosting account - free of charge. Thus, you will get all the benefits of paid hosting plans, without renewal fees. Accordingly, you will get access to the hosting control panel with the ability to deploy Wordpress in 1 click, as well as support for php, MySQL and FTP access.

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