UTM tag generator

Create links for advertising on Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, Tilda

Traffic source:
Which UTM tag parameters should I use?
ad id
indicates the name of the ad
specify the id of the ad group (adset)
passes the name of the ad group
passes the id of the ad campaign
passes the name of the ad campaign
indicates the location of the ad
passes the traffic source platform
ad id
indicates the name of the ad
specify the id of the ad group (adset)
passes the name of the ad group
passes the id of the ad campaign
passes the name of the ad campaign
indicates the location of the ad
passes the traffic source platform

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UTM for Tilda, Wordpress and more

UTM tag - (з англ. Urchin Tracking Module) is a special parameter in the URL that allows marketers to explore the details of marketing campaigns and measure the results of activities. This abbreviation comes from the name of the Urchin company, which was absorbed by Google, and the model of link markup with parameters has become canonical for all webmasters. The principle of forming a URL label is aimed at storing and transmitting certain data about the source of traffic coming to the site with further clustering and additional settings. The UTM label consists of mandatory and optional parameters.
Required UTM parameters:
utm_source - here you should specify the site/source from which the traffic is coming (Google.com, Hyperhost.ua, Facebook)
utm_medium - specify the model of advertising traffic (cpc, cta, affiliate)
utm_campaign - an advertising campaign is indicated, often similar to the names of campaigns in advertising accounts, for example, Google Ads

Optional UTM parameters:
utm_term - key phrase, a parameter that specifies the word/key of a given advertising campaign
utm_content - indicates the content element, page block that is the source of traffic (banner, button, popup)

Usually, a UTM label is made using the main parameters, but if you use a large number of traffic sources or mark individual keywords, it makes sense to use a separate value for each parameter and apply all available ones.

Frequently Asked Questions:

UTM - A set of defined parameters combined into a single URL by adding a question mark character “?”. It is used by marketers to determine the results of their work. UTM tags allow you to cluster traffic sources, keywords and individual elements of the site, and conduct A/B testing. The UTM tag does not affect the functioning of the site in any way and has an exclusively informational function.
The easiest way is to use the UTM Tag Generator, or build your own tracking parameter where you specify a parameter like ?utm_source={specify the site/source} &utm_medium={type of ad}&utm_campaign={name of the ad campaign}. After that, simply add this parameter to any external link.
The easiest way is to use the UTM Tag Generator, where you can simply specify the link and the necessary parameters, or manually add a parameter to any of your links, such as ?utm_source={specify the site/source} &utm_medium={type of advertisement}&utm_campaign={name of the advertising campaign}. Adding UTM labels does not change the user's path and does not affect the functionality of the page.
To do this, select “Source/Channel” or “Campaigns” in the “Traffic Sources” section of Google Analytics, “All Traffic”. This way you can segment traffic into components and study each type of traffic or each source separately. UTM is a great tool for A/B testing of website functionality and individual elements.
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