Text to QR code

Create QR code from text online in just a few clicks

QR text - easy way to translate text to QR

Сannonball benefit Icon that heads the block with benefits

QR text for Iphone and Android

QR code stores the text which will be copied to clipboard after scanning.
Сannonball benefit Icon that heads the block with benefits

Encrypt up to 4 thousand characters in QR

Translate both small text and large amount of text into a QR code and transfer in 1 click.
Сannonball benefit Icon that heads the block with benefits

Convert text to QR in 1 click

Our text conversion tool allows you to create a QR code literally in 1 click.
Сannonball benefit Icon that heads the block with benefits

Simply scan the QR for access

The beautiful, contrasting QR code will be easily recognized and the customer will be able to copy the recognized text.
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