QR generator for WiFi
Create a QR for accessing the internet via WiFi connection
How does a QR email work?

Fill in the email details
Generate a QR for Email
Scanning the QR will open the email client
QR internet - your access to the network via WiFi
WiFi via QR for Iphone and Android
Internet via QR code
Encrypt WiFi password in QR
Just scan the QR for access
Create a QR code for a Wi-Fi network to access the Internet
QR code is a convenient method of transmitting fixed information on media, printing, restaurant menus, etc. Such QR codes can contain a wide variety of information. Restaurant menus, links to reviews and, of course, Wi-Fi access data. The special markup of the fields in the quirk code allows them to be recognized by any version of your iPhone and Android smartphone. Moreover, after scanning, the user can immediately save the selected network and connect to it. No more reading and memorizing passwords.
Public QR codes with Internet access data are the fastest way to simplify communication in crowded cafes and restaurants, airports, and public transportation. Just one scan and the visitor has the necessary information in his smartphone.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is QR for WiFi?
WiFi QR codes are mainly used in public places, restaurants, hotels or public transportation.
How to connect to WiFi via QR code?
- Open a QR reader app or camera
- Scan QR code with WiFi accesses
- Save WiFi network data in one click
How to share WiFi via QR?
- Open the desired WiFi
- Enter the settings of the network
- Select “Share” and confirm the action
How to make wifi QR code?
- Go to QR Generator for WiFi
- Specify the network name
- Select the type of connection (if necessary)
- Specify the password to access the Internet via WiFi
- Generate QR code
- Customize the generated QR code to your needs
- Download the code for printing or give it to users for scanning