Check HTTPS status - response code, redirects, duplicates

Check the presence of the HTTPS protocol and the correctness of the URL anatomy

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Duplicate pages and URL organization - HTTP to HTTPS

This tool was created to help organize the switching of the site to the HTTPS protocol. Often, during the configuration of the SSL certificate chain, the correct operation of the site URL is disrupted. The most common problems a site owner may face are:
- The site is not accessible via the HTTPS protocol - in this case, we are talking about incorrect SSL certificate settings (you can check the SSL settings here);
- 301 or 302 HTTPS status - often occurs when redirecting an https page to http, although it is the https protocol that should be final;
- 200 status for several pages - There can be many options, but the most common will be the 200 response status at the same time for http, https, www., /index pages. In this case, we are talking about the incorrect setting of the redirect system and the presence of several pages in the search engine index.

What should I pay attention to when using this tool?

For the site owner - you can check the correctness of the https settings when switching from HTTP or when ordering/renewing an SSL certificate. Whether your site is available via HTTPS, duplicate http / https pages, assess the security of the connection. For an administrator or webmaster - the ability to check the correctness of the redirect settings, evaluate duplicate pages, create a technical task for the system administrator to configure the HTTPS protocol.

Frequently Asked Questions:

A secure extension for the HTTP protocol, created to support the encryption of site user data in order to increase the security of the connection. The presence of access via HTTPS means the presence of an SSL certificate on the site.
The only right option would be a permanent 301 redirect from http to https protocol. In this case, 302 (temporary) will be accepted as a non-permanent, potentially dangerous security solution in the future.
First you need to order SSL, install a certificate (we recommend to contact your hosting provider). Finally, the http to https redirect is configured.
If one document/page is available in the search engine index at several addresses, such pages are considered duplicates. There are many reasons for this, but the most common is the presence of both http and https protocols in the page index at the same time.
Immediately after installing the security certificate, check that the switch setting on the site is correct. This must be done before the https version of the site appears in the index.
Search engines such as Google may downgrade a page if it is a duplicate of another page. In this case, we are talking about both a duplicate of a third-party resource and identical pages on the same domain. A page on HTTPS may appear in the index later than an HTTP page, be canonical, but duplicate another page (an already existing document). This can lower your search rankings.
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