Domain .BE
Buy domains in the .be zone
.be is the national domain of the Kingdom of Belgium, located in northwestern Europe, and defines a namespace for sites whose content reflects an aspect of Belgian society - business, social or government.

Details of .be domain registration
How to register a .be domain?

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Registration of .be domain

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.be Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
.be - is a national domain of the top-level in Belgium. Registration of the domain zone is allowed for all, without limitations. In English the word " to be" is used as a word-play in the name of the web-site, therefore the domain is very popular among the English-speaking audience.
The domain perfectly suits for those who want to sell commodities in Belgium. Also, it can be a good addition and to the entertaining/tourist website.
Many Ukrainian users associate sites in the .be domain zone with Europe and the corresponding derivatives - European standard of living, prosperity, stability and civilization in general. All this as a magnet attracts them to such web resources to at least virtually become closer to the desired European happiness. Web resources will have a significant number of visitors from the territory of northwestern Europe, because the population density there is quite high.
Who is suitable for renting a domain in the .be zone?
The electronic name of the site in the .be domain zone, in addition to its main purpose - to represent the interests of Belgian subjects, can be successfully used as a virtual gateway for Ukrainian business in the European Union. With the help of such a site it will be much easier to find and retain business partners, demonstrate your products and / or find markets. Let us present the most promising directions of using the domain to fully realize its possibilities:
- Internet representations of the consulting center of the Ukrainian consular service;
- The name of the site of the contact business group to find partners for the organization of shoe production in the north of Europe;
- As the web address of the site of the European association of agrarians - producers of organic products;
- As the electronic name of the site of the Ukrainian hosting company, which has its own data center in the north-west of Europe;
- The International Investment Bank may register a landline domain for its new branch in Brussels;
- The main domain of a stationery joint venture;
- Personal blog - a virtual guide to Brussels and its surroundings;
- As a business card site of the joint Ukrainian-Belgian project on creation of charging stations for electric cars;
- The name of the Internet site of the informal community of Ukrainians in the countries of North-West Europe.
Terms and features of .be domain registration
The domain name has been available for registration since 1998. The domain is administered and managed by DNS Belgium, which is responsible for organizing the registration process and making entries in the domain registry.
You can make a purchase on the corresponding page of our web resource. This can be done by any company, enterprise or individual. There are no additional restrictions.
The name must not violate the rights of third parties or be offensive in accordance with the law of the Kingdom of Belgium.
When registering a domain in this zone, enter your personal and registration data in Latin letters, in full compliance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such domain.
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