Domain .CC
Buy domains in the .cc zone
The .cc domain is the national domain for the Cocos Islands in the Indian Ocean, part of the Commonwealth of Australia, and defines a domain of names for sites of all kinds, from academic web resources to commercial ones.

Details of .cc domain registration
How to register a .cc domain?

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Registration of .cc domain

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.cc Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
.cc - is a universal domain zone, an alternative variant to the popular domain .com. The domain .cc is the domain zone of the Coconut islands. It can be registered by any organization or individual. There are more than 80 million registrations of web pages now. The term of registration and extension of the domain can be to 10 years. It will fit for any companies and organizations, whose name is already busy in most popular zones .com, .net. Be hurry, register the name of your web-site in a popular and memorizable zone!
Websites with the .cc domain extension will have to compete for audiences from across the Commonwealth of Australia and beyond, as the total population of the Cocos Islands is only a few hundred people. This can be a great incentive to expand the horizons of your business or social project. The most successful option may be to run a tourism business, which will erase formal boundaries and gain a target audience from all over the world. Thanks to the support of internationalization, it is possible to use Cyrillic characters in the name of the site, which will contribute to the expansion of the possibilities of application of the web resource.
Who can lease a .cc domain?
Your company name on the web with a .cc domain extension will signify that it belongs to a group of companies operating in the southern hemisphere of the globe on the mainland or island territory of the Commonwealth of Australia. This can be a powerful signal for potential partners or clients to establish relationships and conclude contracts. Most fully the site will be able to realize its functions in case of its application for the following directions of economy, business or public sphere:
- The name of the site of the International Tourist Operator for the organization of recreation on the coral islands;
- Internet-representation of the American-Ukrainian geographical society on the study of nature and fauna of the coral islands;
- As a web address of the site of the joint Ukrainian-Australian production enterprise - wholesale supplier of palm oil;
- As a business card site of the company - a leader in the world production of copra (dried coconut);
- As the electronic name of an online exchange website for the indigenous people of Coconut Islands;
- The Internet site name of a company - supplier of fresh mackerel to European markets;
- The main domain of an air transportation carrier in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth;
- Personal blog for reviews on the outlandish animals of the Australian mainland;
- An International Real Estate Agency can register a Landing Domain to sell luxury villas on the Indian Ocean coast.
Terms and features of .cc domain registration
This domain name has been available for registration since 1997. The domain is administered by Verisign Labs, which is a member of the IETF's RDAP Standardization and Implementation Support Group.
Registering a domain name doesn't take much time and effort, thanks to our elaborate system for selecting and verifying names on our site. Registration is available to everyone, regardless of wealth or legal status. There are no additional restrictions.
The chosen name must meet generally accepted standards of morality, rules of character composition and the requirements of the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia.
When registering a domain in this zone, enter your personal and registration data in Latin letters, in full compliance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such domain.
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