Buy domains in the .clothing zone
Buy a free domain in the .clothing domain zone and register a beautiful name for your website for a year or more. The cost of registering and renewing a .clothing domain is identical

Details of .clothing domain registration
How to register a .clothing domain?

Choose a .clothing domain name
Check out the .clothing domain
Registration of .clothing domain

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.clothing Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
What does the .clothing domain mean?
The .clothing international domain zone was created for websites that provide information about various clothes.
Domain management
The .clothing domain has been available for registration since 2014. The Registrar and Zone Manager is Donuts Inc. The administrator is the ICANN corporation, which resolves all legal issues related to the operation of domains. Whois information protection option is supported.
Why rent a domain in the .clothing zone?
A site with a .clothing domain indicates the type of content - clothing and everything related to it. A business site or an online store can be useful for many companies, and a domain zone can emphasize the direction and become useful in many cases:
• Sewing workshops and ateliers (studio domain);
• Knitting factories (to place a landing page);
• Companies of individual tailoring;
• The Trade Network of Textiles;
• Individual entrepreneurs;
• Boutiques of branded clothing;
• Online-shops on the terms of dropshipping (main domain name);
• Auctions for the sale of leather and fur products.
Sites with .clothing will always be of interest to people who appreciate good style in clothes and follow fashion trends. In addition, such sites will not leave indifferent people with a low income, but who like to dress well. After all, the opportunity to get high-quality inexpensive clothes in an online store is always higher compared to offline purchases. The domain is also suitable for fashion-conscious organizations, bloggers, media and info sites. Registration in .clothing may be of interest to fashion representatives. The site name can contain both Latin and national alphabet characters, which can greatly facilitate its perception for buyers.
Terms and conditions of domain .clothing registration
You can buy a domain on our website using a special form. There are no requirements or restrictions. Supporting documents are not required. A representative of any company or a private person can order the service. A payment grace period is supported in case of service renewal.

More than just domain registration