Domain .CV.UA
Buy domains in the zone is a regional domain of the city of Chernivtsi and the region of the same name, located in the west of Ukraine. It is a part of the national zone .UA. It is intended for websites of enterprises, organizations and individuals operating in the virtual space of Chernivtsi region.
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What does the domain mean? - the regional domain zone of Ukraine, it can be used for websites that approach to Chernivetsky region. This domain zone in an abbreviation for .CHERNIVTSI.UA і .CHERNOVTSY.UA. Any one can register this domain if he/she is interested in visitors from Chernivtsi location. Using this domain can offer you a lot of advantages, like quick registration, short name, cheap price. You can choose any beautiful domain name because there are many free names left
Internet sites of the domain zone will be well suited to start-up businessmen who have their roots in the Chernivtsi region. Working in the economic space of this region will make it much easier to enter the markets of neighboring countries - Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, etc.
Who will be suitable for renting a domain in the zone
The electronic name of the site in the network domain zone gives its owner the opportunity to become a full-fledged participant of the virtual space of Chernivtsi region. Its peculiarity is the availability of developed infrastructure for organization of wholesale and retail sales, the total volumes of which make up more than 60% of all sales in the region, including the sale of industrial products. Among the industrial sectors, manufacturing, as well as the production and distribution of water, electricity and gas, stand out. Businesses in the region are mainly represented by a large number of small enterprises operating in trade, services, as well as in the tourist and restaurant business. Chernivtsi is a multinational city, where Ukrainians, Russians, Romanians, Moldovans, Poles and Belarusians have been living together for many years. The standard of living of the population is not high, although there are prospects for its growth. Domain name can be used in different ways to organize your business. This, for example, can be the following solutions:
- The name of the website of a higher educational institution, for example, Chernivtsi National University;
- As the web address of the site of the municipal transportation enterprise of Chernivtsi;
- As a business card site of an Individual Entrepreneur for the maintenance of plumbing and plumbing systems;
- The main domain for the site of the enterprise "Automotive Electric Ukraine" Ltd. for the production of cable products for cars;
- Regional Medical Library can register the domain of landings for publishing the latest news from the life of the library;
- Internet-shop for wholesale of electrical cable products for motor vehicles;
- The name of the website of the Bukovyna State Medical University;
- Internet site of the Literary and Memorial Museum of Olga Kobylianska, Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics, Memorial Museum of V. Ivasiuk;
- City online forum for public discussion of urgent issues of life in Chernivtsi. Chernivtsi.
Conditions and features of domain registration
The domain zone registry is administered by the Ukrainian company Hostmeister TOV.
In order to purchase a domain, it is enough to place an order on our website, indicating in it the favorite domain name. Name registration is available to all companies, businesses and individuals who operate in the virtual zone of Chernivtsi region. There is no need for physical presence.
The chosen name must meet the moral standards and norms of Ukrainian legislation.
We are waiting for you in our chat 24 / 7. Write, ask. Always happy to help.
More than just domain registration