Domain .DANCE
Buy domains in the .dance zone
Buy a free domain in the .dance domain zone and register a beautiful name for your website for a year or more. The cost of registering and renewing a .dance domain is identical

Details of .dance domain registration
How to register a .dance domain?

Choose a .dance domain name
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Registration of .dance domain

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.dance Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
What does the .dance domain mean?
The international domain zone .dance was created for sites of dance and choreographic art, from the description and demonstration of all known dance styles to the sale of concert tickets, and for dance music creators.
Domain Management
Domain name registration in the .dance address zone has been available for over 10 years at any accredited registrar. Donuts Inc. manages the registry and registration process. All issues are decided by the international organization ICANN, which has the highest authority among all registrars. It is possible to hide the personal data of the owner.
Why rent a domain in the .dance zone?
A domain name in the .dance zone can show the creative direction of the site, related to dance and choreography, as well as dance music. Therefore, the domain is suitable for a large number of organizations and private studios whose activities are related to the specified direction of art. This domain name can be used for:
• To register a choreographic studio domain, ensembles;
• As the name of the landing page of creative groups, cultural centers and theater studios;
• Professional dancers, choreographers can register a name for their professional websites;
• As the domain name of a ballroom dance school;
• As a domain of an oriental dance studio;
• Dance studios;
• Concert promoters;
• Information sites on dance topics;
• Sale of tickets for concerts and dance clubs.
Sites in the .dance domain radiate creative energy and are able to attract the attention of so many people, regardless of age and occupation. Potential visitors to the site can also be students and teachers of music schools, colleges and conservatories, where dance is primarily seen as a skill and skill that requires constant improvement. For everyone who wants to get a ticket to a concert, such sites will always be popular. A beautiful domain name will further expand the possibilities of such a site. It is also available to register the name of the site in the native language.
Terms and conditions of domain .dance registration
There are no restrictions on domain registration. Anyone can register it. Documents and certificates are not required. We work online 24/7. “Grace period” for service renewal is provided.

More than just domain registration