Domain .EC
Buy domains in the .ec zone
.ec is the national domain of the Republic of Ecuador, a country located in the northwestern part of South America. It defines a namespace for websites of businesses, companies or individuals who may be Ecuadorian residents or non-residents.

Details of .ec domain registration
How to register a .ec domain?

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Registration of .ec domain

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.ec Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
.ec - is a national domain of the top-level of Ecuador. The domain becomes a wonderful addition to the tourist website, because Ecuador has well-developed tourist infrastructure. The domain suits all websites that are related to this country. Choose .ec for promotion your business in Ecuador and you will have a plenty of new clients and visitors!
Many visitors associate websites that belong to the .ec domain zone with "banana heaven", as Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of this fruit delicacy. Many international businesses are "tied" to this fruit. Another well known to many "direction of travel" of Ecuador is marine fishing, which provides shrimp for a considerable part of the population of European countries. Accordingly, the visitors of the site will be dominated by real gourmets or representatives of companies - suppliers of fruits and fish.
Who can benefit from .ec domain rental
A .ec domain name can be a guiding light for a business or social project throughout the Pacific region. It can be used to find new markets, business partners or create an online presence for a company registered in Ecuador. A properly formulated purpose or business concept for using the domain name will speed up the process. Here are some possible variations of such concepts based on the experience of other companies:
- The website name of a joint trading venture, an exporter of Ecuadorian bananas, flowers and hemp;
- As the web address of the website of a Travel Operator's affiliate site in developing Pacific Rim countries;
- As the electronic name of the website of the International Linguistic Center for the study of indigenous languages of the Republic of Ecuador - Shuar, Quechua and others;
- The name of the online store of Ecuadorian coffee, cocoa and exotic fruits;
- The main domain of the "Ecuadorian snack bar" - a specialty restaurant of Ecuadorian cuisine;
- As a business card site of the trade representative of the Ukrainian company producing industrial equipment for oil refining;
- Internet-representation of a trade group of European companies - exporters of fish, shrimp and other seafood;
- Personal blog with the description of nature and fauna of the branched network of rivers - tributaries of the Amazon;
- Tourist guide can register a domain of the landings to demonstrate his best routes along the tributaries of the Amazon River.
Terms and features of .ec domain registration
The domain name has been available for registration since 1991. It is administered by the organization NIC.EC (Network Information Centre), which solves all issues related to the life cycle of the domain.
Domain order can be placed on the pages of our website within 3 minutes, using the features of intuitive interface. Resource registration is available to representatives of companies, public organizations, as well as individuals. There are no additional restrictions.
The domain name must be consistent with the general moral standards and be correct.
When registering a domain in this zone, enter your personal and registration data in Latin letters, in full compliance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such domain.
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