Domain .GY
Buy domains in the .gy zone
.gy is the national domain of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, a state in the northern part of South America. It defines a domain of names for websites of any subject related to the sovereign state. However, there is no prohibition for non-residents of the country to use the domain zone.

Details of .gy domain registration
How to register a .gy domain?

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Registration of .gy domain

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.gy Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
Who is eligible to rent a .gy domain?
Your online business name with a .gy domain extension can become your official online presence in the Republic of Guyana if you register your business in the country. Rich natural resources and a variety of business development areas, from sugar cane farming to gold and gemstone mining, make this region very attractive for investment, which is often used by foreign companies. Business concepts for representatives of Ukrainian business in Guyana can be as follows:
- As a business card site of a Ukrainian subsidiary for the development of bauxite deposits - the source of aluminum;
- A commercial company - a wholesale exporter of sugar to European markets can register the domain of landings to find suppliers of local products;
- The website name of the International Investment Project for the Caribbean Mining Development Project;
- As the web address of the website of the Export-Import Processing Consulting Center;
- As the electronic name of the website of the joint Ukrainian-Guyanese enterprise on logging of valuable timber species;
- As an Internet representation of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Foundation for the support of the poor in Guyana;
- The name of the Internet store of jewelry made of precious metals mined in Guyana;
- The main domain of the Guyana branch of Ukrainian Agroholding - supplier of grain crops;
- Personal blog with stories about famous gold miners of South America.
Terms and features of .gy domain registration
Domain names have been available for registration since 1994. The domain zone registry is managed by the Information Technology Centre of the University of Guyana, which is also the organizer and sponsor.
Buying a domain on our website usually does not cause any difficulties, but only pleasant associations. In addition, our consultants will always give an answer to any question that arises. Registration of the resource is available to everyone. In this case, you should take into account some requirements of the Manager:
- The domain name must not be used in any illegal activity or contrary to the laws of Guyana.
When registering a domain in this zone, enter your personal and registration data in Latin letters, in full compliance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such domain.
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