Buy domains in the .international zone
.international is a generic top-level domain. It is intended for websites of international organizations working in any of the spheres of human life - economy, politics, culture or social sphere.

Details of .international domain registration
How to register a .international domain?

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Registration of .international domain

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.international Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
The .INTERNATIONAL domain means what?
.INTERNATIONAL - an international domain of the top level. This domain fits for international websites. It is perfect for tourist agencies, Avia companies, charity funds, news portals and etc. If you plan to promote your project all over the world then choose the domain in .INTERNATIONAL domain zone. We offer quick domain registration and affordable price. In .INTERNATIONAL domain zone you can easily find a free name for any project.
Internet sites in the .international domain zone, for example, are a good way to inform web users about all relevant issues and results of major research centers in any field of knowledge. In this case, a direct channel of information transmission to consumers will be established.
Who can rent a domain in the .international zone?
Electronic site name in the network domain zone .international may be needed to popularize the activities of a variety of international projects related, for example, with the social sphere or the field of Internet technologies. In the latter case, it may be a question of standardization of any protocols or the development of special software used on public resources. Some economic issues can also be categorized as international. For example, it may concern the global economic crisis or food shortages. To address these issues, self-funded projects are often created to solve a particular problem in the global economy. This is where such a domain would be suitable. The same applies to the social sphere - the higher the level of the raised problem, the wider the audience should be. The most suitable options for using the domain name may be the following:
- The main domain for the site of the International Institute on Urbanization and Overpopulation of the Earth;
- The name of the site for the organization of Intercontinental teleconferences - round tables on politics, economics, communications, atmospheric pollution and others;
- As a business card site of the Political Science Center for the study of the influence of the politics of developed countries on the solution of global problems of mankind;
- Internet Exchange for International bidding and/or auctions;
- Internet-site of engineering IT-company on development of means of television signal transmission via satellite communication channels;
- Personal blog on the review of the best achievements of human civilization in the field of artificial intelligence;
- Website name of the International Investment Fund for the Development of Renewable Energy Production;
- The World Health Organization can register a landline domain to explain its ideas to ordinary web users;
- As the web address of the site of an online forum for discussing the impact of the economic crisis on fertility growth on planet Earth.
Terms and features of .international domain registration
The domain zone has been available for registration since 1988. The domain zone registry is administered by Donuts Inc.
The domain can be ordered by a representative of any commercial or non-commercial organization, as well as a private person interested in entering the International level. There are no additional restrictions on domain registration.
The chosen name must be consistent with the requirements of International Law.
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