Domain .IS
Buy domains in the .is zone
.is is the national domain of the island nation of Iceland, located in northern Europe. It defines a namespace for websites of organizations and individuals associated with Iceland, who may be non-residents of the country.

Details of .is domain registration
How to register a .is domain?

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Registration of .is domain

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.is Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
.is - is a national domain of the top level for Iceland (island state in the north of Europe). It was created in 1987, but until now a domain uses the special popularity. This country is famous for its market economy system, therefore it attracts businessmen all around the world. A web-site with a domain designating this region will become a successful investment in the future of your business.
Websites belonging to the .is domain zone are very popular with the islanders themselves, which can help gain a target audience with one of the largest purchasing power in Europe. The only thing that is required from a Ukrainian entrepreneur is to organize his business competently, relying on the country's rules of "honest business". In this case, success is guaranteed!
Who Can rent a .is Domain?
Naming your company in the .is domain zone network is an effective way to organize a profitable business in any industry or economy. This is due to the lowest level of taxation in Iceland compared to other developed OECD member countries that recognize the principles of democracy and free market economy. In addition, the country is one of the richest in Europe and ranks first in terms of democracy and equality. The most likely patterns of domain name use would be the following:
- A personal blog to review sources of cheap renewable energy based on the natural hydro resources of the island of Iceland;
- Internet representation of the Ukrainian Tourist Agency serving tourist routes on the territory of Western Ukraine;
- Hosting provider can register the domain of the landings to find customers in the countries of Northern Europe;
- Website name of an engineering company for antivirus software development;
- As a business card site of the European branch of the Ukrainian Institute of Biotechnology;
- As the web address of the site of a consulting center providing accounting services to manufacturing enterprises;
- As the electronic name of the site of a joint Ukrainian-Icelandic motor transportation company;
- As the name of the Internet store of floor coverings and parquet board from different types of wood from Transcarpathian region of Ukraine;
- The main domain name of the International Commercial Bank with a share of Ukrainian capital.
Terms and features of .is domain registration
The domain name has been available for registration since 1986. The Registrar and Administrator of the domain zone is Internet á Íslandi hf (ISNIC), which accepts applications for domain registration and fully controls the entire process.
You can order a domain in a special section of our website, where you can check it. The order can be placed both by a legal entity and an ordinary citizen of any country. There are some additional restrictions on registration set by the owners of the zone:
- For citizens of Iceland it is necessary to specify your Kennitala number.
It is prohibited to use the domain name contrary to the laws of the state of Iceland.
When registering a domain in this zone, enter your personal and registration data in Latin letters, in full compliance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such domain.
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