Domain .KYIV.UA
Buy domains in the zone is a regional domain of the city of Kiev and Kiev region, located in the north of Ukraine. It is a part of the national zone .UA. It is intended for sites of any thematic direction, forming the virtual space of Kyiv and the region.

Details of domain registration
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What does the domain mean?
Internet sites of the domain zone can be called an elite link of Ukrainian business. The only drawback is the high level of competition. The strongest ones remain.
Who will be suitable for renting a domain in the zone
The electronic name of the site in the network domain zone opens wide opportunities for the creation and development of any kind of business, because the Kiev region is the center of economic, cultural and social life of the whole Ukraine. Here is concentrated a huge number of industrial, agricultural and other types of enterprises, constantly expanding their production, creating a healthy competitive environment. The huge human potential of the city allows to have an uninterrupted flow of qualified "labor force", from engineers to workers and employees. As for the purchasing power of the population and, consequently, the sales market opportunities, Kyiv occupies one of the leading positions in these indicators compared to other cities in the country. In addition, the special political and economic status of the city makes it weakly dependent on the influence of the political authorities of the country on the processes taking place in it, which gives a certain level of freedom for the city authorities and its residents. Possible applications of the domain can be the following:
- As the name of the website of a higher educational institution, for example, the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov;
- As the web address of the site of the Ukrainian Institute of Advertising;
- As a business card site of the Individual Entrepreneur on repair of cell phones and tablets;
- Soccer club "Obolon-Brovar" can register the domain landings to publish up-to-date information about the club's achievements;
- Personal blog with the publication of reviews of events of sports life in Kiev;
- The main domain for the site of enterprises - Kyiv Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant, Kyiv Plant "Bolshevik", Plant "Arsenal" and others;
- The name of the site of theatrical art institutions - Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater, Kyiv Academic Young Theater, etc.;
- Internet site of the National Botanical Garden, A. V. Fomin Botanical Garden;
- Internet-shop of the jewelry store chain of Kyiv Jewelry Factory (KJZ).
Conditions and features of domain registration
The domain zone registry is administered by the Ukrainian company Hostmeister TOV.
The zone still has a considerable number of domain names worthy of attention. You can purchase them on our website, having made the appropriate contract. Register a name can any enterprise or individual with any interests in the Kiev region.
The chosen name must meet the moral standards and norms of the Ukrainian legislation.
We are waiting for you in our chat 24 / 7. Write, ask. Always happy to help.

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