Domain .KZ
Buy domains in the .kz zone
.kz is the national domain of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a state in Central Asia and part of Eastern Europe. It is intended for websites of organizations, enterprises, companies and individuals related to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The registrant of the domain name may be a non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Details of .kz domain registration
How to register a .kz domain?

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Registration of .kz domain

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.kz Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
What does the .kz domain mean?
.kz - the national domain if the top-level of Kazakhstan. This domain will fit for website owner that tell stories about this country, sell or buy goods and services. There are many unoccupied domains, so you can easily choose the right one. The domain uses Latin symbols so it can be easily used all around the world.
Internet sites in the .kz domain zone demonstrate the economic power of the country that owns the domain zone, as their main products are expensive non-ferrous metals, natural gas and oil. This means that only well-trained and financially secure companies that are familiar with the peculiarities of working in the mining industry will be able to compete with such enterprises.
Who will be suitable for renting a domain in the zone .kz
The name of your company on the network with the .kz domain extension lists it as one of the companies operating within the economic zone of Kazakhstan. It is characterized by an unusually rich stock of natural resources, in particular, oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, copper, manganese, iron and many others. The extractive industry accounts for about 60% of the country's total industrial production. Accordingly, the lion's share of foreign investment also falls on this sector. Kazakhstan is the largest exporter of diamonds. Accordingly, it is advisable to build a business here based on the use of local natural resources, starting from the development of deposits and ending with the organization of wholesale supplies to Western European countries. The following schemes of domain usage are possible:
- The name of the website of a transportation company for the transportation of oversized cargo within Central Asia and Eastern Europe;
- As the web address of the site of a private industrial artel for the development of non-ferrous metal deposits;
- Personal blog with description of nature and fauna of natural reserves and national parks of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Website name of the Industrial Group of Companies on development of deposits of manganese and iron ores;
- As a business card site of the branch of the Ukrainian Institute of Geological Exploration;
- Mechanized road-construction column can register the domain of landings to find orders for construction works;
- The main domain for the site of a commercial firm trading in petroleum products and natural gas;
- Website of a branch of the Travel Agency for servicing hard-to-reach mountain routes;
- Online store of jewelry products made of white gold mined in Kazakhstan.
Conditions and features of domain registration .kz
The domain zone was put into operation in September 1994. Organizer and sponsor -
Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan. Registry administrator and registrar - Kazakhstan Network Information Center (KazNIC).
You can buy a domain name on our website for one year or more depending on your preferences. The advantage of long-term purchase of the name is its reliable fixation for the owner without the need to make periodic payments after each year. There are no restrictions on name registration.
The chosen name must not violate moral and ethical norms, propagandize drugs, etc., i.e. comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
When registering a domain in this zone, enter your personal and registration data in Latin letters, in full compliance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such domain.
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