Domain .MA - Morocco
Buy domains in the .ma zone
.ma is the national domain of the Kingdom of Morocco, a country located in western North Africa. Defines the domain of names for sites representing institutions, organizations, companies, and Moroccan citizens on the Internet. A non-resident can be a domain registrant.

Details of .ma domain registration
How to register a .ma domain?

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Registration of .ma domain

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What does the .ma domain mean?
.ma - the official and national domain of Marocco ( North Africa). The domain zone has more than 30k websites. The domain can be registered only by private entities or companies in Marocco. All the foreign companies should have subsidiaries in Marocco if they want to get a domain in this zone. The domain zone is popular in Africa.
Internet sites of the .ma domain zone will undoubtedly bring a smile to the majority of ordinary network users. And this is natural. However, this does not change the main purpose of the domain – to reflect the interests of companies and residents of the Kingdom in the network.
Who is suitable for renting a domain in the .ma zone?
The company's .ma network name will enable it to have economic and/or business contacts with representatives of businesses (local or international) operating within the economic zone of the Kingdom and/or the entire western part of North Africa. The resource and economic potential of the country makes it possible to organize and conduct a full-fledged business on its territory. This may particularly apply to phosphate mining; production of fertilizers, inorganic chemicals or minerals; fishing or growing vegetables and fruits; development of the tourism industry. Below are some ways to use a domain name for a new business:
• As a business card website for a recruiting agency for the selection of personnel to work on citrus plantations;
• A representative of an air transport carrier can register a landing domain to expand the base of regular customers;
• The name of the website of the outsourcing company - an enterprise for the serial production of electrical system components;
• Names of the website of the Investment Fund to support tourism development on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa;
• As a web address for the website of a commercial enterprise that exports citrus fruits to Eastern European countries.
• A personal blog describing ways to survive in the harsh subcontinental climate in the south of the Kingdom.
In case of non-standard use of a domain, the following options may be suitable:
• As the electronic name of the website of an online store selling children's clothing and shoes;
• The main domain for sites dedicated to child care, organizing baby food, etc. (from ma – mother);
• Internet representation of a machine-building enterprise (from machine).
Terms and features of .ma domain registration
The domain zone has been available for use since 1993. The sponsor and administrator of the zone is the national telecommunications agency of Morocco - Agence Nationale de Réglementation de Télécommunications.
Domain registration will not cause any difficulties for users of any level of training. It is available for a private person, as well as a commercial or industrial enterprise. Our site has all the necessary tools for this.
The website of the owner of the domain zone presents a number of requirements regarding the assignment of names. They must not:
• Infringe the rights of third parties;
• Initiate or promote any type of activity that goes against the laws of the Islamic Kingdom of Morocco.
When registering a domain in this zone, enter your personal and registration data in Latin letters, in full compliance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such domain.
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