Domain .VN.UA

Buy domains in the zone is a regional domain of the Ukrainian domain zone UA, allocated for Vinnytsia region. It can be used for sites of any subject and purpose related to the Vinnytsia region.

8.99 $ /year
Today only:
7.9 $ /year

Details of domain registration

Сannonball benefit Icon that heads the block with benefits registration period
Max. period - 1 years, mini. period - 1 year
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Length of the domain
Minimum - 3 characters, maximum - 63 characters
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Data protection (WHOIS)
The domain has the option to close Whois data
Сannonball benefit Icon that heads the block with benefits IDN
Cyrillic (IDN) support
The domain zone supports registration in Cyrillic alphabet domain for own website used by

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How to register a domain?

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Choose a domain name

Choose a name for your site yourself, or use the AI domain name generator.
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Check out the domain

Enter the selected name in the domain entry field, or check all domain zones
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Registration of domain

Select a free domain name and proceed directly to register a new domain
maze image

We Can Help You Choose a Domain

Can't decide on a name or domain zone? Write to us in Chat on the website, email us at, or ask the artificial intelligence.

Registration in other domain zones is available

Domain .net
from 19.45 $ /year
Domain .com
from 18.76 $ /year
from 12.55 $ /year
from 12.11 $ /year

Free Domain For Everyone!

Order any shared hosting from 6 months and get a domain as a gift! Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it - a domain zone is of the second level intended for portals and websites that have a direct relation to Vinnytsya city. It is easy to memories this domain because of the simplicity of the record. It is recommended for those who want to attract visitors from this region. Also, this domain allows to reduce time on site promotion in searching engine. This domain is an excellent decision for commercial organizations, portals, IT- of companies and even educational institution.

Websites with the domain extension are very popular in their region - Vinnitsa and the region. This is due to their orientation to local traditions, needs and interests. Any citizen will always be glad to familiarize, first of all, with the news of his city, which are usually published on the pages of local Internet publications, often using the regional domain zone.

Who will be suitable for renting a domain in the zone

The name of the website in the network with domain extension will speak about its territorial attachment to Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region. This configuration is most suitable for enterprises or firms working in the economic zone of the Vinnytsia region. In this case, the emphasis should be placed on the customer base formed from the residents of the region. And this site will help such a base to form and maintain in the future. The reason for this is two factors - the features of SEO-promotion sites in the network and a greater level of confidence in the "native" domain from the residents of the region. Successfully selected scheme of application of the domain will help to increase the efficiency of its use. Here are some of such schemes: 

- The name of the site of the city Vinnitsa bakery products plant "VINNITSAKHLEB";

- A personal blog with a detailed description of historical sights of the Vinnitsa region;

- As a business card site of the regional representative of the Ukrainian Concern of peat industry;  

- An individual entrepreneur - seller of "goods for dogs" - can register the domain of landings to increase the level of communication with customers;

- As a web address of the site of the municipal enterprise - Central Food Market of Vinnytsia. Vinnitsa;

- The main domain of the Children and Youth Sports School (DYUSH) in Vinnitsa;  

- As an electronic name in the network of the regional online forum with discussion of topics of social and economic life of Vinnitsa. Vinnitsa;

- Internet-presentation of the city House-building plant "TrustBud";

- Website names of Vinnitsa Plant of Reinforced Concrete Products and Structures (Reinforced Concrete Products and Structures), PJSC.

Terms and peculiarities of domain registration

Ukrainian company manages the domain zone.   

On our site provides the possibility of simplified ordering for the purchase of a domain name. Its registration is available as a private person, as well as a legal entity. The owner of the domain zone has established the following requirements for all registrants: 

- It is necessary to have any interests or relation to the Vinnytsia region. Local presence is optional. 

The chosen name must meet the norms of morality and not contradict the Ukrainian legislation.  

We are waiting for you 24 / 7 in our chat.

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More than just domain registration

WHOIS protection - hide personal data from intruders and enemies
CDN - caches content on 200 servers around the world to quickly open your website from anywhere in the world
Domain certificate - A physical document confirming the fact that a domain has been registered for you with HyperHost
SSL is a security certificate that protects website users from intruders and you from browser and search engine sanctions

Additional services from HyperHost company

from 7.5 $ /year
CDN Caching
from 12 $ /year
Privacy Protection
4 $
Domain certificate
10 $
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