Domain .УКР
Buy domains in the .укр zone
Buy a free domain in the .укр domain zone and register a beautiful name for your website for a year or more. The cost of registering and renewing a .укр domain is identical

Details of .укр domain registration
How to register a .укр domain?

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Registration of .укр domain

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.укр Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
.укр- the national domain of the top-level in Ukraine written on Cyrillic. Note, that in the name Latin symbols aren't allowed.
The domain is available in open registration and not depend on nationality.
The suits for the promotion of goods and services on television and radio as it is well perceived on hearing and is quick enough to remember. The domain zone is new therefore it is possible to register a lot of beautiful and original names for the websites.
Who can rent a domain in .ukr zone?
The electronic name of an Internet site in the .ukr domain zone is the same in its meaning, ranking and capabilities as the web resources of the equivalent Ukrainian national top-level domain zone in Latin script. The only difference is in the possibilities of registration - in the zone .ukr they are much wider, because it is not required to have Ukrainian citizenship or national trade mark, which opens up broader prospects for the development of Ukrainian business. The site in the .ukr domain zone can be most effectively used in the following areas of business, social or state development:
- A sales manager of a printing enterprise can register a landings domain to expand the sales channel for printing products;
- Internet representations of the Information Agency of Ukraine;
- As a business card of the Ukrainian Concern for processing of organic agricultural products;
- The main domain for the site of the City Youth Variety Theatre;
- The name of the site of the Ukrainian news Internet edition;
- As the web address of the site of the Ukrainian Public Organisation for the Protection of Natural Resources of Ukraine;
- As the electronic name of the website of a television broadcasting channel of regional or national levels;
- Personal blog on review of outstanding monuments of Ukrainian culture;
- The name of the Internet site of an online guide to cities and villages of Ukraine.
Internet sites with the domain extension .ukr bring less officialism than when using an equivalent domain in Latin. This applies not only to the direct perception of the Cyrillic site name and domain extension, but also to the simplified rules of its use. And therefore such a resource is much "closer to the people". Only Cyrillic characters can be used in the site name.
Terms and peculiarities of .ukr domain registration
The national top-level domain name .ukr has been available for registration since 2013. It is managed by Ukrainian Network Information Center (Uanic), Inc., a company that controls the process of assigning website names.
To register a domain you do not need to have Ukrainian citizenship, be a legal entity or entrepreneur. On our web resource registration is available to anyone who wants. There are no special restrictions. Without certificates and permits. The chosen name must not be offensive or violate anyone's rights. Also it must meet the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.
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