Domain .AF
Buy domains in the .af zone
The .af domain is the national domain of the state of Afghanistan in Central Asia, which defines a namespace for sites dedicated to that country and/or having any contacts or agreements with it.

Details of .af domain registration
How to register a .af domain?

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Registration of .af domain

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.af Domain selection - who needs it, how to buy it
The .af domain means what?
.af - is a national domain of the top-level of Afghanistan. There are no limitations or prohibitions on registration in this zone, so anyone can register this domain. There are a lot of beautiful names still free, so hurry to choose your own unique domain name. Afghanistan presents considerable interest for businessmen from all around the world, therefore your web-site in this zone will attract a quite a bit visitors and clients.
Internet sites in the .af domain zone will always be of interest to tourists, travelers and all those who are attracted to the ancient heritage and rugged nature of the Afghan region. They may also interest representatives of large importers of sheep's wool (karakul), precious metals and copper, the Kabul deposit of which is the largest in Eurasia. Therefore, it is expected, although small, but a stable inflow of visitors for such web resources. It would be better if the name of the site in Latin script corresponds to its purpose.
Who can rent a .af domain?
Electronic site name in the .af domain zone is a civilized way to emphasize your affiliation or participation in the economic, political or social life of the Central Asian state of Afghanistan. This will help in the future in the search for business partners, like-minded people, consumers of goods or services. A website in the .af domain zone will help to expand the horizons of cooperation, work or friendly relations in the Central Asian region if it is used in the following way:
- As the web address of the site of the permanent teleconference between Ukraine and the State of Afghanistan;
- As the main domain of the Consultation Center at the Ukrainian Consular Service in Kabul;
- As the electronic name of the website of the joint Ukrainian-Afghan enterprise on cultivation, processing and marketing of poppy crops;
- Internet site of the International Fund for Peace Consolidation Assistance in the Central Asian Region;
- The name of the Internet site of the Institute for the Study of the Impact of Human Activity on the Nature of the Alpine-Himalayan Mobile Belt;
- Personal blog - a virtual guide to the expanses of the Garmser sand desert and the Ghazni-Kandahar plateau;
- As a business card site of the Central Asia branch of the International Tourism Agency;
- A private traveling salesman can register the domain of the landings to search for orders for fulfillment in the region of trusted orders of clients;
- Website name of Ukrainian trading firm for the supply of sheep wool and carpet products.
Terms and features of .af domain registration
The resource has been available for registration since 1997. It is administered by AFGNIC. The organizer of the name registration process is the Ministry of Communications of Afghanistan with the support of the United Nations Development Program.
You can buy a domain on our website by going to the special page of domain selection. Registration is available to everyone without exception - private persons, representatives of companies or government agencies. There are no additional conditions for registration.
The chosen name of the site must meet the requirements of morality and the provisions of the current legislation of the state of Afghanistan.
When registering a domain in this zone, please enter your personal data and registration data in Latin letters, in full accordance with your passport or other official documents. Otherwise, additional costs may be incurred in identifying the owner of such a domain.
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