What is the Uptime guarantee from HyperHost?
We guarantee 99,97% Uptime. Also, we provide compensation for the downtime for Shared hosting, Unlimited premium Hosting, Reselling and VPS & VDS servers.
The compensation amount calculated as the percentage of paid period multiplied by ten times from server downtime.
The formula of compensation calculation:
PH - price of service per 1 hour
PM - price of service monthly
The compensation will be added to client balance (and can be used only for HyperHost services). The compensation calculates in case of downtime for more than 1 hour for the 3 days period.
The compensation does not include tech work, which was announced in advance by email (mentioned in clients profile).
Also, the compensation will not be added if the downtime is not a cause of hosting provider work (unpaid invoice, work on the client side, errors in the web developers code, lack communication on the side of the Internet provider or on the main communication channels, DDoS attack, etc.)